World AIDS Day Observation
Fundamentals of Nursing Department, Manipal College of Nursing (MCON) Manipal observed World AIDS Day by on 1st December, 2018. The theme for this year is “Know your status”.
December 02, 2018
Fundamentals of Nursing Department, Manipal College of Nursing (MCON) Manipal observed World AIDS Day by on 1st December, 2018. The theme for this year is “Know your status”.
An awareness program on HIV/AIDS was conducted by the faculty of MCON for 10th standard students of Perdoor High school. Emphasis was given for awareness on HIV/AIDS, its transmission, stigma, prevention, treatment, and role of every student in preventing the disease.
Students were given an opportunity to discuss their views about HIV/AIDS. Importance was given on the role of younger generation in reducing stigma and discrimination among people living with HIV/AIDS and help them to lead a normal life in the society. A total of 100 students were benefited from this session.
An interactive session titled “Be aware Take care” was conducted among third year Diploma in Nursing and Midwifery students of Manipal School of Nursing Manipal. Around 33 students participated and shared their views via role play titled ‘breaking the news of HIV diagnosis’, case discussion on a patient scenario, a debate on ‘handling sensitive issue of HIV/AIDS’ and discussions on various perspectives counselling the patient with HIV/AIDS.
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