Report on World Breastfeeding Week celebration - 2019
The Department of Child Health Nursing, Obstetrics and Gynaecological (OBG) Nursing and Community Health Nursing, Manipal College of Nursing (MCON) Manipal and Department of Paediatric and OBG, Kasturba Medical College, Manipal, MAHE observed ‘World Breastfeeding Week’ from 1st to 7th August 2019 on the theme “Empower parents, Enable Breastfeeding: Now and for the future!”.

The cost of inadequate feeding is too high. In India, only 55% of the babies are exclusively breastfed for the first six months. Hence, Breastfeeding Promotion Network of India (BPNI) calls for action to raise the level of awareness among people to increase the breastfeeding rates by empowering women and creating an enabling environment for them. Keeping this in mind and to raise awareness regarding the importance of breastfeeding, a week long activities were conducted for the nurses, ASHA workers, antenatal and postnatal mothers and their family members.

The various activities planned and conducted are as follows:
Lactational counselling
Individual lactational counselling was given to 40 antenatal and postnatal mothers in OBG OPD, WH2, WH5, WH6 and PD4 (postnatal) wards of Kasturba Hospital Manipal from 01.08.2019 to 05.08.2019 by Dr. Maria Pais, Mrs Prathiba, Mrs Ranjani, Mrs Sangeetha, Mrs Anjalin D’Souza and Mrs Binu Margaret, Assistant Professors, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecological Nursing and Child Health Nursing. During the session, the feeding history was collected and techniques of breastfeeding were observed. The problems related to breastfeeding were assessed and practical help was given by assisting the mothers in the breastfeed. Doubts of the mothers regarding the early initiation of feeding, exclusive breast feeding, demand feeding, hunger cues, techniques of feeding and burping the baby, signs of effective breast feeding were clarified. The mothers were followed up and were ensured that they follow the proper techniques of breastfeeding. Most of the mothers expressed their happiness regarding counselling. Feedback from each mother was obtained.
Community Awareness Programme on Breastfeeding:
To sensitize on breastfeeding and nutrition issues in the community, an awareness programme was organized by Department of Community Health Nursing, MCON in collaboration with Women and Child Development Department, Udupi on 2nd August 2019, from 11.30 am to 12.30 pm at Kukkudakatte Anganawadi centre. Mrs Sangeetha M.K, Supervisor, Women and Child Development Department welcomed the gathering and emphasized the audience to update the knowledge by attending the programme and thereby, transform the knowledge to their family members and neighbours. Mrs Ansuya, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Community Health Nursing, MCON, gave a talk on importance and benefits of breastfeeding, the composition of breast milk and the various positions and attachment while feeding. This was followed by a talk and demonstration of positioning the baby, techniques of breastfeeding and expression of breast milk and the management of breast conditions. Mrs Sumangala, Senior Female Health Assistant, Hirebettu PHC addressed on diet for lactating mother and myths about the postnatal diet and its consequences on the child. Mrs Asha Nayak, President Balavikas Samiti, Udupi, thanked the coordinator and resource person. The programme was attended by 15 women, 7 ASHA workers and 8 Anganwadi workers.
On 3rd August 2019, awareness programme on breastfeeding was conducted at Rajiv Nagar, Manipal Anganawadi centre for migrant women from 11.30 am to 12.45 pm. Mrs Ansuya delivered a comprehensive talk on importance and benefits of breastfeeding, composition of breast milk, various positions and attachment while feeding and the benefits of breastfeeding for mother and the child. She also stressed to breastfeed the baby while travelling and in public areas and not to give prelacteal feeds. This was followed by a talk and demonstration regarding positioning the baby, techniques of breastfeeding and expression of breast milk and management of breast conditions. Mrs Sangeetha, Supervisor, Women and Child Development Department, welcomed the gathering and requested to update the knowledge and transform it to their family members and neighbours. The programme was attended by 17 migrant women, 10 Self-help group women, and 5 Anganwadi workers. The total beneficiaries through the community awareness programme was 62.

Awareness sessions for staff nurses at Dr TMA Pai Hospital, Udupi
An interactive session on the ‘Breast feeding, attachment, positioning technique and its importance’ and the theme were given to the 22 staff nurses from Dr TMA Pai Hospital Udupi on 2nd August 2019 between 1.30 pm and 3 pm. Dr Mamatha S Pai, Professor, Dept. of Child Health Nursing Department, highlighted on the theme and the optimal infant feeding, importance of breastfeeding, early initiation of breastfeed. Dr Maria Pais, Assistant Professor, from Department of OBG Nursing, delivered a session on the production and intake on breast milk, Attachment, positioning techniques and expression of breast milk. The staff nurses actively participated in the discussion and expressed that the session was useful and all were benefitted.

Awareness sessions for staff nurses at Kasturba Hospital, Manipal
An awareness session on the theme ‘Empower mothers and enable breastfeeding’ and ‘Lactation counselling’ was conducted for 35 staff nurses of Women and Child block from Paediatric, OBG and special wards of Kasturba Hospital, Manipal by Mrs Binu Margaret and Mrs Anjalin Dsouza, Assistant Professor of Department of Child Health Nursing, MCON and Mrs Yashodamma, Ward Incharge, Kasturba Hospital Manipal from 5th to 7th August 2019, in two batches between 11 am and 12.30 pm and 3.00 to 4.30 pm, to strengthen the nurses on counselling the mothers at health facilities regarding breastfeeding. Various sessions highlighted are as follows: On 5th August 2019,

Mrs Binu Margaret delivered a session on the theme, Optimal Infant and Young Child Feeding, production and intake of breast milk, positioning, attachment, assessing and observing breastfeeding and Expression of Breast milk.

On 6th August 2019, Mrs Anjalin D’Souza discoursed a session on Breast conditions with examples. The session was continued by Mrs Binu Margaret on taking feeding history. Clinical practice sessions was conducted on taking feeding history. Mrs Yashodamma, delivered a session on Breastfeeding Low Birth Weight Babies and Not enough milk on 7th August 2019. Mrs Anjalin Dsouza, in her session on Counselling skills, highlighted on the listening and learning skills and building confidence and giving support skills. The session was continued by the clinical practice sessions on listening and learning skills and building confidence and giving support skills, which was coordinated by Mrs Anjalin D’Souza and Mrs Binu Margaret. The participants expressed that the session was very useful in improving their knowledge and skill in positioning, assessing and supporting the mothers during breastfeeding, taking feeding history, listening and learning skills and building confidence skills.

Education sessions for Anganwadi workers on Breastfeeding:
To strengthen the anganawadi centre women on breast feeding and importance of breastfeeding, Rotary Club, Shankarpura and Manipal College of Nursing arranged the programme on 6.08.2019 at 10 am at Rotary Bhavan, Shankarpura. Dr Maria Pais, Assistant Professor, Dept. of OBG Nursing, MCON, MAHE gave a talk on the advantage of breast feeding, composition of breast milk and various positions and attachment while feeding. The demonstration regarding positioning the baby, techniques of breastfeeding and expression of breast milk was given. Participants were motivated to counsel others in their community to minimize the problems by initiating baby friendly breastfeeding techniques. A total 35 anganwadi workers participated in the programme.

Awareness sessions for mothers and caregivers at Dr TMA Pai Hospital, Udupi
An interactive session on the ‘Breast feeding, attachment, positioning technique and its importance’ were given to seven mothers and their caregivers in postnatal wards of Dr TMA Pai Hospital, Udupi on 2nd August 2019 by the Dr Mamatha S Pai and Dr Maria Pais. The mothers and their family members were actively involved in the discussion and were benefitted.

Awareness sessions for mothers and caregivers at Kasturba Hospital Manipal
An awareness session was conducted to 80 mothers and caregivers in the postnatal wards and NICU classroom of Women and Child block in Kasturba Hospital Manipal from 01.08.2019 to 05.08.2019 by Dr Maria Pais, Mrs Prathiba, Mrs Ranjani, Mrs Sangeetha, Mrs Anjalin Dsouza and Mrs Binu Margaret. During the session, the main focus was on early initiation of feeding, exclusive breast feeding, demand feeding, hunger cues, techniques of feeding and burping the baby, attachment, signs of effective breast feeding, benefits to the mother and baby, minor ailments of breast and their management during postnatal period. The participants clarified their doubts and expressed that the sessions were very useful.

Community awareness through FM Radio/Social media
To reach out and promote awareness to a wider range of public, a community awareness through a radio talk in the form of role play in local language was conducted by Dr Mamatha S Pai, Professor, Dept. of Child Health Nursing MCON, Mrs Sarasa Hebbar and Mrs. Jayashree Nayak, Assistant Lecturers, Manipal School of Nursing Manipal on the ‘Advantages of Breast feeding’. The programme was recorded on 1st August 2019 and was broadcasted on 1st and 2nd August, 2019 at Radio FM 90.4 MHz. The programme was well appreciated by the public. The program was coordinated by Dr Mamatha S Pai.

Formal Program of World Breastfeeding Week celebrations:
Formal Program of World Breastfeeding Week celebrations was organized by Manipal College of Nursing in collaboration with Department of Pediatrics and OBG, Kasturba Medical College (KMC), Manipal on 6th August, 2019 at Room No: 8, Pediatric classroom, Women and Child block, Kasturba Hospital, Manipal between 3.30 and 4.30 pm.
A session on the World Breastfeeding Week theme “Empower parents and enable breastfeeding- Now and for future!” was delivered by Dr Jayashree P, Professor, Department of Paediatrics, KMC Manipal. In the session, she emphasized on the policies related to breastfeeding, its advantages, early stimulation of breast and signs to start weaning.
The session was followed by the formal program. Dr Leslie Lewis, Professor, Dept. of Paediatrics, KMC, Manipal welcomed the gathering and emphasized on the early initiation of breastfeeding within one hour after birth, exclusive breastfeeding for six months, continued breastfeeding for two years and beyond with appropriate complementary feeding and also reinforced about the baby friendly hospital initiative.
Dr Mamatha S Pai, Professor, Dept. of Child Health Nursing, MCON, Manipal gave an overview of the activities of World Breastfeeding Week celebrations 2019.
Dr Shrikiran A, HOD, Dept. of Pediatrics, KMC, Manipal in his address said that the infant mortality rate of Udupi District is less compared to other districts of Karnataka and breastfeeding plays an important role to achieve this health indicator. He also emphasized the importance of attachment and breastmilk not only enriches the body but also the soul.
Dr Judith A Noronha, Associate Dean of MCON, in her address said that the problems related to breastfeeding should be identified during the antenatal period and counseling should be given. She also congratulated the team for the success of the program.
The chief guest of the program, Dr Muralidhar V Pai, HOD, Dept. of OBG, KMC, Manipal in his address highlighted the obstetrical importance of early initiation of breastfeeding to the mother and the baby and also about the continued breastfeeding. Dr Baby S Nayak, HOD, Dept. of Child Health Nursing thanked all the members. The whole program was attended by around 100 participants including nurses from Kasturba Hospital, post graduates and faculty members from MCON and KMC Manipal. The program received lot of appreciation.
The one week event was coordinated by Mrs Binu Margaret and Dr Mamatha S Pai of Department of Child Health Nursing, Dr Maria Pais and Mrs Prathiba from Department of OBG Nursing, Mrs Ansuya and Dr Shashidhara YN from Department of Community Health Nursing, MCON, Manipal and Dr Leslie Lewis from Kasturba Medical College Manipal. Mothers should be continually empowered and an enriched environment should be provided for the success of the breastfeeding, which would help to achieve the targets of the health indicators.