World Health Day - 2023
April 08, 2023
As part of World Health Day 2023, the Department of Community Health Nursing, Manipal College of Nursing, MAHE, Manipal along with the students of 4th year BSc Nursing, observed World Health Day 2023 by organizing various activities such as Food Fest, Poster competition, Health talk, and role play on the topic- “Health for All”.
The Food fest was held for fundraising on 03/04/2023 at MCON, Manipal. The students prepared and served various food items and there was great support from the faculty and students of MCON and MSON.
The poster competition was held on 04/04/2023 at MCON. Dr. Judith Angelita Noronha, Dean, MCON, Manipal, inaugurated the program. A total of 23 posters were received from the students and faculty of various institutes of MAHE. The three best posters were awarded and the prizes were distributed.
A health talk was organized on 06/04/2023 by Dr. Anjali Wagle, Medical Officer, PHC, Manipura on the topic “Health for All – Universal Health Coverage”. She explained about dimensions of health and highlighted the importance of observations of various international health days which are focussed on various groups and communities. She also appreciated the efforts of the Nursing profession in achieving sustainable development goals (SDG).
The role play was conducted on 06/04/2023 on the topic ‘Health for All”. About 13 groups from different fields of health sciences within and outside MAHE teams participated in the role-play competition. The best three groups were awarded and all the participants will be given e- certificates. A total of 178 participants attended the program. The overall program was coordinated by Ms. Reshma R K, Lecture Department Community Health Nursing with the support of the entire departmental faculty under the guidance of Dr. Judith A Noronha Dean and Dr. Shashidhara YN, Head Departmental of Community Health Nursing, MCON.