An Awareness Program On Prevention and control of Dengue
August 19, 2019
Health education committee of SNA 2019-20, Manipal College of Nursing, MAHE, Manipal organized an Awareness program on Prevention and management of Dengue fever on 17th August, 2019 between 11.30 am to 12.30 pm at Athradi Anganwadi.
A role play and dance was performed by the committee members on prevention and control of Dengue fever which was followed by health education on management of dengue fever by Ms. Benita Dcunha, 4th year BSc Nursing and Committee Chairperson and Ms. Viola Mathias, 3rd Year BSc Nursing Student.
A total of 34 (24 adults & 10 children) participants benefitted out of the programme. The participants of the programme comprised of community people, Anganwadi teachers, ASHA workers and students and faculty from the organizing team.
The program was supervised by Mrs. Manjula, Assistant Professor and Mrs. Reshma R Kotian, Lecturer, the Committee Advisors.
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