Seminar on Clinical Updates
Seminar on Clinical Update was organized by Manipal School of Nursing, MCON, Manipal Academy of Higher Education on 27th February 2018 at, MCON, Manipal.
March 01, 2018
Seminar on Clinical Update was organized by Manipal School of Nursing, MCON, Manipal Academy of Higher Education on 27th February 2018 at, MCON, Manipal.
Dr. Leena Sequira, Principal, Manipal School of Nursing welcomed the gathering. The seminar was inaugurated by the Chief Guest, Dr.Muralidhar Varma, Asso. Professor, Dept.of Medicine, Kasturba Hospital, Manipal. The Chief Guest in his address emphasized the importance of continuous learning and learning by observation in a clinical setting.
Dr. Anice George, Dean, MCON, in her address highlighted the importance of nurses in the clinical field and she emphasized on the competency required by the present nurses to face the challenges.
About 116 delegates from MSON participated in the event. The first plenary session on “Administration of medication” was taken by Ms. Shalini G Nayak, Asst. Professor, MCON, Manipal. Dr. Leena Sequira, Principal, MSON spoke on “ communication skills in a clinical setting” and Ms. Saraswathi Hebbar, Asst. Lecturer, MSON, dealt on “Handling Medico-Legal Issues in clinical”. Ms. Bharathi R Nayak, Asst. Professor, MSON, proposed the vote of thanks.
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