Report on Debate Competition
November 02, 2023
The SNA Education Committee organized a ‘Debate Competition’ on October 30, 2023, between 2:00 and 4:00 p.m. on the topic “The High Nurse Turnover of Indian Nurses to Foreign Countries: Balancing Global Opportunities with National Healthcare Needs.” Amidst a gathering that celebrated intellectual brilliance, four teams, each comprising three individuals, gracefully assumed the centre stage. Two teams passionately argued in favor of the topic, while two others ardently opposed it, sparking a spirited debate. Following the compelling arguments, a vibrant discussion ensued, illuminating different perspectives. The evaluators for the competition were Mr Renjulal Yeshodaran, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Mental Health Nursing, and Mr. Anil Raj, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Medical-Surgical Nursing, MCON, Manipal. The session was moderated by Ms. Sanju Pant, Lecturer, Dept. of Mental Health Nursing, MCON, Manipal. Ms. Lis Maria Martin, II year BSc(N) student, along with her teammates Ms. Riya Elizabeth Reji, a third-year BSc(N) student, and Ms Crystal Noronha, a fourth-year BSc(N) student, secured the first position. Mr. Arnold, Ms. Anju Santo, II year BSc(N), along with Ms. Rose Baby, 4th year BSc(N) student secured second position. Ms. Diya George and Ms. Rosemi Ann Reji, 2nd year BSc(N), and Mr. T. M. Sri Vishnu, a first-year BSc(N) student secured third position.