Faculty Visit: Edge Hill University, Ormskirk, Lancashire L39 4QP, UK (14th to 17th February 2023)
March 10, 2023
Dr. Radhika R Pai, Faculty from Manipal College of Nursing, MAHE, Manipal visited EdgeHill University between 14th to 17th February 2023 as part of the Health Education England-funded Global Placement Bursaries for Health Partnership (GPBHP).
On 15th February 2023, visited Alder Hey Children's hospital, which is providing innovative high quality care for children and young people for over 100 years and was deep in history. A visit to Royal Liverpool hospital, a major teaching and research hospital in Liverpool was also carried out on the same day. Various activities of the hospital catering services to adult patients were observed too.
Campus tour and introduction to the international department at Edge Hill university was carried out by Ms. Laura Collier on 16th February 2023. A formal meeting with Dr. Carol Kelly, Associate Dean, Faculty of Health Social Care & Medicine, Edge Hill University, was carried out followed by a meeting with Heads of Nursing Departments and other Allied Health teaching staffs, prospective collaborations, and student exchange opportunities at MAHE were deliberated. Dr. Radhika R Pai presented on the Nursing program at MCON, MAHE Manipal which included orientation to the dual degree program at MCON. A visit to the clinical skills lab sensitized her to various lab resources, simulation structures, and facilities available for simulation under Edge Hill University.
A meeting was scheduled with service users and carers group along with student champions. There was a discussion on various issues faced by the carers and the student nurses’ perspectives in interacting with them.
A brief project overview followed by a short talk on ‘Health Settings in India regarding the BSc nursing program’ was carried out on 17th February 2023 for 4 batches of BSc Nursing students. These students were from the nursing specializations viz, Learning Disabilities Nursing, Adult Health Nursing, and Mental Health Nursing. This orientation was followed by 4 Practical sessions on stress and anxiety-relieving technique with a main focus on Yoga.
This visit contributed to achieving the SDGs as listed below.
SDG 3: Good Health and Wellbeing
SDG 17 Partnership for the Goals