Orientation Program - 2019
Freshers’ Orientation programme was organized by Manipal College of Nursing, MAHE, Manipal on 31st July 2019 at Dr. TMA Pai Hall I, KMC, Manipal.
August 06, 2019
Freshers’ Orientation programme was organized by Manipal College of Nursing, MAHE, Manipal on 31st July 2019 at Dr. TMA Pai Hall I, KMC, Manipal.
Chief Guest of the programme, Dr. Vinod V Thomas, Registrar Evaluation, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal addressed the newly joined students and their parents. He gave a brief orientation about Manipal Academy of Higher Education and its status as Institute of Eminence declared by Ministry of HRD, Government of India. In his address, he said, students have a significant role in upholding the status of the institute and stressed on the nurses’ role in societal and economic development. In conclusion, he advised the students to embrace diversity while maintaining one’s own values. The history of Manipal Academy of Higher Education was portrayed and shown to the students and their parents through a documentary video and the inception of Manipal College of Nursing was highlighted in the video.
Dr. Anice George, Dean, MCON Manipal gave a brief introduction about the institution, various heads of the constituent units of MAHE and introduced the faculty members. The working of the Nursing Service Department was described by Deputy Nursing Superintendent Mrs. Bharathi. The various services offered by MAHE including the security services, library facilities, volunteer service activities (VSO), MARENA sports complex, Student Support Centre (SSC) were briefed by Dr. Judith A Noronha, Associate Dean, MCON Manipal. Chief Warden, MAHE Hostels, Air Commodore Harindra Kumar Dhiman briefed the students and their parents about the hostel facilities and the rules and regulations to be followed. The Student Nurses’ Association (SNA) President, Ms. Vinslet Alisha Ferrao gave a glimpse of the SNA activities of MCON Manipal, she also informed about the laurels bagged by the students in cultural, sports and academics. This was followed by the introduction of teacher guardians.
Dr. Anice George, Dean MCON Manipal in her interaction with the students and their parents addressed their queries and concerns regarding college, hostel and other facilities and also gave concluding remarks. The campus orientation was arranged for the 1st year BSc nursing students by Student Nurses Association which enhanced their opportunity to interact with their seniors. The tour also included a visit to Smriti Bhavan Museum dedicated to Dr. T.M.A. Pai, Founder of Manipal, at his former residence.
During their interaction with the faculty, students said about their interests, hobbies and their known contacts from whom they heard about Manipal. The students were also familiarized with MAHE website and its different applications. Subsequent to this, later the class coordinators explained in detail about the college rules, regulations and professional etiquettes. Students were given orientation on Swayam Central and Coursera online courses, the importance pertaining to it and selection of the courses in line with the subjects. They were also informed about the open electives that they can choose from those offered by the constituent institutions of MAHE.
The different topics covered in the year were briefed to the students, which included English language course, the significance of the language as a mode of communication focused in both speaking and writing. They were also oriented on the outlook of communication with the patients and their families and were briefed about the inculcation of the same in the syllabus as building Interpersonal Relationship. The teacher guardians were made aware of the nine values such as Trust, Respect, Affection, Care, Guidance, Gratitude, Reverence, Glory, Love which has to be inculcated among the students. The orientation programme ended with first year students interacting with their respective teacher guardian’s who will be their support throughout the academic year.
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