“Waste management” Awareness Programme report
November 28, 2022
Globally, World Pollution Prevention Day is observed on 2nd December. The world today doesn’t need many reminders to realize the consequences of climate change. However, it’s important to note that each individual has a huge role in this fight against pollution. SDG 12 (responsible consumption and production) includes targets focused on environmentally sound management of all waste through prevention, reduction, recycling, and reuse. A clean environment cannot be achieved with the efforts of a selected few. Small acts such as planting a sapling, dumping garbage at the right place, and recycling plastic items are the first steps to turning our planet into a sustainable place to live.
The Health Education Committee of the Student Nurses Association (SNA) – 2022-23 of Manipal College of Nursing, MAHE, Manipal in collaboration with the Rotary club Mannaplla, Manipal as a part of “Pollution Control Day” organized an awareness program on “Waste Management” on 27th November 2022 in Rotary Shathaabdi Vedike Manipal. Rtn. Sabitha Bhat, President of the Rotary Club, Mannapalla welcomed the gathering. The session on Waste Management” was delivered through a skit, following that presented the content on “Environment Pollution Control” through power point presentation by Health education committee representatives Ms. Frenita Martis, Ms.Neha Noronha, Ms.Sweedal D’Souza & Praveen, 4th Year BSc (N). Ms. Crystal V Noronha, Ms.Lisa A Mascarahnas Shaina, 3rd year BSc(N) Mr. Sherwin Karkada, Riona D’Souza, & Aswita, 2nd BSc(N) and from 2nd year PBBSc (N) Mr. Sushanth P. They delivered the content including various types of waste, its effect on health, methods of waste management, prevention, and control. Students also emphasized smart ways to efficiently manage home wastage and the program ended with a dance on “Say No to Plastic” followed by waste management pamphlets distributed to participants.
The program was coordinated by Health Education committee chairperson Ms. Frenita Martis, guided and supported by Dr. Yashoda Sathish, Assistant Professor, Department of Child Health Nursing, Mr. Raghavendra Nayak lecturer, department of Medical-Surgical Nursing, MCON, MAHE, Manipal and Rtn. Sabitha Bhat, Rotary club, Mannapalla, Manipal. The overall program was compered by Ms. Neha Noronha, 4th year BSc (N). A total number of 40 participants benefitted from the program and it was well appreciated by the participants.