Report of School Health Program
June 04, 2023
The First and Second Year MSc Nursing students and faculty members from the Department of Child Health Nursing, Manipal College of Nursing (MCON), Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE), Manipal, in collaboration with Rotary Club, Parkala conducted a school health program in Parkala High School, Parkala, Udupi District, Karnataka on 3rd June 2023, between 11.30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. The school health program was organized under the guidance of Dr. Binu Margaret, Assistant Professor- Selection Grade, Dr. Sangeetha, Assistant Professor- Selection Grade, and Dr. Baby S Nayak, HoD, Department of Child Health Nursing, MCON, Manipal. The aim of the program was to create awareness on “First Aid and Resuscitation” for the students of classes 8, 9, and 10 and faculty members of Parkala High School, Parkala, and Rotary Club members of Parkala Rotary Club. The outreach program contributed towards sustainable development goal 4 (SDG 4) to achieve quality education.
The inauguration of the program was organized by the school administration and Rotary Club, Parkala. The formal program started with a prayer song by the school students. Mr. Anand Nayak, Headmaster, Parkala High School, Parkala, welcomed the gathering, which was followed by a lamp-lighting ceremony by the dignitaries. Rotarian Mr. Dinesh Hegde, President, Rotary Club, Parkala, Rotarian Mr. B Arunachal Hegde, President, Parkala Education Society, and Rotarian Mr. Dayanand Nayak P, Member of Zone 4 Rotary Club, Parkala addressed the gathering by highlighting the importance of first aid and its usefulness in the day-to-day life. Dr. Binu Margaret highlighted the need and significance of the theme and gave an overview of the program. She also stressed that the aim of creating awareness in first aid is to preserve life, prevent further injury, and promote recovery. Mrs. Sujatha V, Head Mistress, Parkala English Medium High School, Parkala proposed the vote of thanks. Mr. Manohar Nayak, Interact Club Coordinator was the Master of Ceremony.
Followed by the inaugural program, an interactive session on First aid and Resuscitation was deliberated by the MSc Nursing students. The students were sensitized on the preparedness and management of handling various emergencies that they encounter in their daily life activities. Ms. Khriebeizunuo highlighted the first aid measures for burns, cuts, seizures, snake bites, and stings. Ms. Vaishnavi A emphasized the first aid measures for fracture and in an unconscious state and also emphasized resuscitation. Ms. Jean Elizabeth Biju, Ms. Khriebeizunuo, and Mrs. Kalyani Sinha demonstrated the application of bandages and resuscitation techniques for adults. The return demonstration on the first aid measures was taken by the students and faculty members for a better understanding of the students. The teachers and the Rotary Club members encouraged the students to participate in the discussion and demonstrations.
A total of 200 students, 30 faculty members, and four Rotary Club members of Parkala participated in the program. Feedback was obtained from the participants. The students and the teachers appreciated the sessions, expressed that it was useful for them, and the session was well organized.