Positive Ageing - A reality
July 06, 2019
Gerontological Nurses’ Association of India organized a seminar on ‘Positive Ageing’ on 29th June, 2019 at the Manipal College of Nursing, Manipal especially for those who are in their midlife.
Dr Anice George, President – GNAI and Dean, MCON Manipal said nurses have a prime role in creating awareness successfully among the public on positively ageing, she emphasized on nurses taking a lead role on this.
Dr P V Bhandary, Director, AV Baliga Group of the institutions, Udupi – briefed on the various types of problems faced by the aged senior citizens of our country and he advised on dealing with these problems. Emphasizing on maintaining health of this group of people, he stressed on proper intake of diet food, regular minimal exercise, adequate sleep etc., which will help from going into depression for whatever reason.
Mr. Niranjan Bhat, District Senior Citizen Officer, Udupi stressing on the importance of old age homes said, these homes should be utilized only by the needy. He briefed the audience on the various benefits of the citizenship card.
Mr. Sadananda Nayak, Retd. Child Development Project Officer and Older People Welfare Officer, Women and Child Development, Govt. of Karnataka, discussed the laws related to care of geriatric and its compensation.
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