Manipal College of Nursing (MCON) Manipal observed World AIDS Day by organizing a series of events through the year.
December 02, 2015
Manipal College of Nursing (MCON) Manipal observed World AIDS Day by organizing a series of events through the year.
UNAIDS observes World AIDS Day on December 1 and the theme for this year is; “Getting to Zero” -- Zero new HIV infections, Zero discriminations and Zero AIDS related deaths. It is an opportunity for every community to unite in the fight against HIV, show support for people living with HIV and remember those who have died.
MCON firmly believes that the future generation has the ability to sensitize others and prevent spread of HIV. And, therefore, apart from the events held for students of MCON, an awareness programme was also held for children of a local school.
The Quiz and Installation competitions for B. Sc. Nursing and M. Sc. Nursing students were based on AIDS awareness. The first prize for Quiz was awarded to Mr Romeo Mathew and Ms Rynel Desma Quadras and the second to Ms Kavya B and Mr Tenzin Thupten. Of the five teams that took part in the Installation competition, the best two were awarded. Ms Nathasha Nazareth, Ms Ashwitha Kulal and Ms Sarah D’souza finished first and Mr Keshar Singh, Ms Priyanka Joy and Ms Anjaly Ann Sabu second.
A poster competition was organized for faculty and students of Manipal Academy of Higher Education on the same theme and all the posters were displayed at the OPD Block of Kasturba Hospital, Manipal for the benefit of the public. Twenty one teams participated in the poster competitions and the best three posters were awarded to Mr Venkatesh Kamath B and Ms Srinidhi from Manipal College of Pharmaceutical Sciences (first), Ms Sukriti Mandal and Ms Samarpita Samanta from Manipal College of Nursing Manipal (second), Dr Sravan Kumar Reddy T and Dr Vandita Pahwa from Community Medicine (third).
An interactive session on HIV and AIDS was held for the first year B.Sc. students and Mr. Prabhath Kalkura, Former training co-ordinator of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM) project, Co- ordinator of SACHETANA- the project on empowering Children Living with HIV (CLHIV) was the resource person. He emphasized on HIV transmission, staging, stigma, prevention, treatment and role of nurses in overcoming stigma and discrimination.
As an outreach to the community on AIDS awareness, a session by Mr. Kalkura and an awareness skit by first year B.Sc. Nursing students was arranged for the students of Class IX and X in the Trinity Central School, Shivally Post, Perampalli, Udupi. Forty six students and three faculty of the school attended the programme.
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