Health Awareness Program For Primary School Children
February 08, 2019
To promote the health awareness among the primary school students, the III year BSc Nursing students of Manipal College of Nursing Manipal, MAHE, Manipal organized health awareness programme in three different groups on 07th September 2018, 03rd November 2018 and 05th February 2019, at Academy School, Manipal.
The purpose of the program was to sensitize students about personal hygiene, immunization and balanced diet.
Various activities like informative talks using charts and role-play were organized to create awareness on health related matters among children.
The first group, which dealt on personal hygiene emphasized on various hygienic practices, the second group dealt on immunization of children at different ages, and the third group highlighted on balanced diet and its importance, sources of carbohydrate, protein, fat, minerals and vitamins in children. All the sessions were informative and interactive.
Around 45 students of classes 3rd, 4th and 5th along with two teachers participated in the awareness program. Each group consisting of 32 III year BSc Nursing students actively participated and imparted the health awareness program. Mrs. Sheela Shetty, Assistant Professor, MCON, Manipal coordinated the program. Mrs.Laxmi, Head Mistress of the school was supportive throughout the programme and appreciated the activities.
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