Add on courses at MCON, Manipal for the first time
Manipal College of Nursing Manipal introduces add on courses on Advanced Neonatal Nursing, Advanced Critical Care and Advanced Emergency Care Nursing, 2017.
July 31, 2017
Manipal College of Nursing Manipal introduces add on courses on Advanced Neonatal Nursing, Advanced Critical Care and Advanced Emergency Care Nursing, 2017.
Thirty students from final year BSc and PBBSc nursing took part in the three programs. The students underwent three weeks of competency based training programs that were individually mentored by the speciality faculty. Students expressed their confidence of handling difficult cases with ease and perfection at a very short period through the comprehensive training that was mentored by faculty one to one. They felt a sense of accomplishment because they could work hand in hand with the staff and faculty closely for the given patients. They expressed that students should take up this course during their second or third year so that more confidence can be instilled and can function independently during their internship.
A student from the critical care said “Having to manipulate ICU instruments, machines and analyze ECGs, ABG values, other lab report and analyze the tretament and care option gave us an insightful critical learning. Close monitoring, discussions and demonstrations made us learn for a lifetime”. Another student from neonatal nursing describes “Meaningful learning happened when a coordinated team of nurses, faculty and doctors made us involve in the care of the neonates. Learning EBP and providing care using problem solving approach was exciting”. A student of Emergency nursing voiced “Real life expereince of triaging, handling emergency cases as mentored by teachers at the emergency room made us confident and at ease while receiving critically ill patients. A sense of confidence and critical assessment set in with the learning of standard protocols, procedures and EBP in the emergency units”.
Overall feedback speaks volume on requirement of short competency based programs of this nature for all students. All the students conveyed that the vacation time being meaningfully used in attending this three weeks intensive program was an intelligent choice. Dr. Mamatha S Pai, Dr. Baby S Nayak, and Dr. Shashidhara YN handed over the certificates to the students. Dr Elsa Sanatombi Devi, expressed her appreciation to the coordinators Mrs Latha T, Mrs Janet Alva, Mrs. Prima D’Souza, Mrs Yashoda, Mrs. Sushmitha Karkada and all the teachers who toiled and sacrificed their vacation time to mould the students.
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