February 19, 2019
Cartooning competition was organized on 6th of September 2018 from 4 pm.
There were total of 9 students who participated and expressed their views with a gesture of sarcasm combined with colours. They were given two hours to show their skills on the topic “A minute on the lip, lifetime on the hip”. Participants used their time well resulting in many creative ideas.
Collage competition was organized on 5th October 2018 between 4 pm and 6 pm at Manipal College of Nursing Manipal.
There were eight teams comprising of two members in each team from various groups. Teams were given two hours to make a collage on the topic “Natural Disaster”. It was then judged on the spot by the evaluators based on creativity, depiction of theme, neatness and completeness by three judges. Out of eight teams, best three were awarded.
Creative writing competition was organized on 12th October 2018 between 4pm and 5pm at Manipal College of Nursing Manipal. Total of 16 students actively participated and showcased their creative ideas in the form of written words. “Nursing in 2050” was the topic on which they were asked to think about and was evaluated based on the criteria given.
As part of Our Nation celebrating National Youth Day to commemorate the birth anniversary of Sardar Vallabhbhayi Patel on 31st October 2018, the SNA Education Committee organized a Debate Competition on the topic “National unity provides an opportunity to reaffirm the inherent strength and resilience.”
There were four teams from various groups consisting of three participants each. Two teams spoke for the topic and two teams against the topic for three minutes followed by discussion. After the strong arguments, the best three teams were awarded by a panel of three judges.
As part of Our Nation celebrating National Youth Day to commemorate the birth anniversary of Sardar Vallabhbhayi Patel on 31st October 2018, the SNA Education Committee organized an Elocution Competition on the topic “Need of freedom and privacy for the country.” There were nine participants from various groups who actively participated and expressed their views. They gave a tough time for the judges to pick the best ones out of the nine.
An Essay writing competition was organised on 14th of September 2018 from 4 pm to 5:30 pm.
There were a total of 19 students who participated and showed their creativity in writing. They were given one and half-hour to express their skills on the topic “Fashion influencing life”. Out of 19 participants, winners were then declared.
An extempore competition was organized on 21st of September 2018 at 5pm. There were total of 9 students who participated and showed their best effort. They were given four minutes each to think about the topic and two minutes to speak about the topic. Participants were well within the time and spoke about different topics. Out of nine participants, winners were then declared.
Painting competition was organised on 7th September 2018 between 4 pm and 6pm. There were a total of 12 students who participated and showed their drawing talents. They were given two hours to portray their art work on the topic “Stop pollution, Save earth“. Participants used their time well and created art with their brushes and the paints. Out of 12 participants, winners were then declared.
Poem writing competition was organised on 31st August 2018 between 5pm and 6pm at Manipal College of Nursing Manipal. There were a total of 25 participants collectively from all the four groups. Participants were given one hour to write on the topic “Natural Disaster”. All the talented participants went into deep thoughts to feel the true feeling of the topic which they wrote down in the form of verses.
Preliminary round of quiz was organized on 27th September 2018 at 4.30pm.
Out of 18 students who participated from various groups, top three scorers were selected for the final round of Quiz. The final round of Quiz was conducted on 24th October 2018 from 4pm to 5pm with Mr. Anil Raj as the quiz master. The participants were actively involved to show their knowledge in the competition and the winners were declared.
SNA education committee organized a seminar on Personal and professional development on 15th December 2018 from 8.30am -1pm. The program officially started after the inaugural ceremony by lighting the lamp by the chief guest of the day Lt. Col. Lovely Antony, Associate Professor, PVS College of nursing, Kozhikode. Followed by the inaugural ceremony the first session of the seminar was started by Dr. G Robert Clive about soft skills. The second session was by Dr. Anice George about why leadership in nursing and the third session was dealt by Mrs. Shalini G Nayak on Time management. The sessions were concluded by 1.15 pm. Around 90 students participated from all the four batches of the college and a program evaluation was also collected for the future events.
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